Canada » British Columbia » Campbell River » River Sportsmen

River Sportsmen


Under same-family ownership since 1964, River Sportsman is a landmark business in North Central Vancouver Island. Its historic location right on the river (we keep an eye on the fish!) gives it a unique appeal and our new store, with 7,000 square feet of retail space, boasts over 13,000 items in stock. If it has anything to do with fishing, hunting or camping around the island you can find it at River Sportsman. Our experienced staff can assist you in choosing the proper rod weight for your needs and the proper line for your rod, as well as for the type of fishing you'll be doing. If you choose to use factory hand-tied flies, we have arguably the best selection in BC with over 300 fly patterns on hand. Come have a look—you will be amazed at the choices! If you are an experienced fly fisherman who likes to tie his own, we have everything you will need for that, too, including hooks, thread, natural capes and synthetic materials. In addition, we stock waders, wading boots, fly vests, chest packs, tapered leaders, tippets and all the odds and ends the fly fisherman might require.

We sell:

Sage, Scientific Anglers, Ross Reels, Cloudveil, William Joseph, Islander

We specialize in:

Fly Rods, Fly Reels, Fly Lines, Leaders and Tippets, Fly Boxes, Waders, Flies, Hooks, Vest & Packs, Wading Boots, Fly tying tools and materials

River Sportsmen's Stores

Address City Postcode State Telephone
2115 Island Highway Campbell River V9W 2G6 British Columbia 250-286-1017